Saturday Morning Recap - All the Animals I've Loved and Loathed

Hi friends! Happy Saturday! I’ve missed doing posts like 7 Quick Takes, but Fridays are usually bad days for me to get things done, and seven quick takes sometimes seems like an unattainable number of quick takes to write. So, introducing the Saturday Morning Recaps! No set number of recaps from the week, but a chance for me to relax over a cup of coffee on Saturday mornings and share what the week looked like here at the Langrs. Without further ado, let’s recap!

Do we need kitten(s)? The answer is probably yes

Maeve and I spent time at a friends this week and during lock down, their family adopted two little kittens. Kittens are adorable on their own, but when you add a one year old Maeve squealing with delight anytime she sees one cross her path, I was convinced within a few minutes that what the Langr casa needs is a cat. Unfortunately, I was so enamored with Maeve being enamored with kittens, I didn’t get a single picture of the event. Am I even a millennial parent?

Joseph is not so convinced. However, he did pull up a pet adoption website without me bribing him, so we’re taking small steps towards a kitten. Maybe we can just borrow someone’s kitten for the weekend so I can be reminded that kittens, while adorable little fluffins, are also work.

Oh Amazon Prime, you have to go

Amazon Prime offered us a free thirty day trial. We’ve had prime in the past (in Joseph and I’s college days) so we figured we’d give it a try again and see if we used it. Well, we used every last bit of that Amazon trial, let me tell you what. Birthday gifts, book club books, Amazon prime wardrobe boxes, and much much more landed on our doorstep in the past thirty days.

But when our trial was getting ready to expire, we went ahead and canceled it. I found myself saying way too many times in the past month something like “Oh, we have prime! I wonder what I can order!” That can do a number on the budget.

The return of the roaches

When we moved into our home last summer, some roaches living in our kitchen threw us a house welcoming party. They’re the worst party hosts. All they did was crawl around in our stove and freak the daylights out of me. Well, we threw our own party for them which involved the pest control company and thought we’d banished them for good.

Alas. They’ve returned. Not in the kitchen, though - thank goodness. Nope, this time they’ve taken up residence in our master bathroom. I’m sure you can imagine my joy every morning as I turn on the light and poke around, hoping to not find a roach taking a shower with me. Needless to say, we’re getting them treated next week and hope they’re gone for good this time.

Those dang chipmunks

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Apparently the theme of this recap is animals I love and loathe. We planted a garden - a mix of herbs and salsa ingredients - and I’ve been loving going out in the evenings to weed it and take care of the little plants. But wouldn’t you know it, a family of chipmunks is living under our garden, and they’ve recently taken up the hobby of digging holes everywhere.

I’ve tried cayenne pepper. I’ve tried peppermint oil - which smelled delightful, but the chipmunks thought so, too. So now I’m just left to watching over the garden like a hawk from our back kitchen window. When I see a chipmunk, I open the window and the sound sends them scuttling back into the yard.

They’re adorable little things, but I love my garden more. Maybe we do need that cat. Or something. I’d like to spend time in other parts of my house and abandon my window perch.

Wine, women, and Jesus

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Monday night, I opened a bottle of wine and spent time in community with a group of women out of Sidney, Ohio. We talked about things you can do to grow in relationship despite COVID restrictions!

I pick my bottles of wine by the label - if it has a cat on it, it’s probably good, right? Most of the time, I just ask Joseph to pick up a bottle. Monday night’s pick cracked me up because not only did Joseph pick it out, but it also had a cat on it. It was a winner in my books!

You can check out the video from Monday night here!

This week in fashion (and micro-fashion)

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We went back to Mass on Sunday for the first time since mid-March and it was so good.

I’m wearing a lace dress that a dear Instagram friend sent my way. Instagram continues to be my social media platform of choice. Where else can you browse Catholic artisans, keep up with local businesses, follow friends and get clothing from friends? Okay, probably a lot of other spots, but Instagram is still my favorite.

Maeve is wearing a cute little dress her aunt Natalie gave her for her birthday, which is worn with one of my all time favorite pieces in her closet - her sweet little jean jacket. Slightly too big, but I hear that’s all the rage these days. As an accessory, she’s carrying one of her peg dolls, which should be all the rage these days.

That’s all I’ve got! Have a wonderful weekend - I’m off to drink my cup of coffee. I was super excited to pour a cup until I realized that I used all the creamer, and now I have to drink it black. Joseph tells me I need to “learn to appreciate the taste of coffee, not just the creamer,” and he’s probably right. Let’s see if that’s an enjoyable learning process. I have bets on no.