A Letter to the Woman Who Has Nothing Left to Give // Emily Jaminet


Have you ever thought to yourself “I just do not have anything left to give.” Maybe it’s 2:00pm on a Tuesday and you’re refereeing your kids’ arguments, wondering how in the world you’re going to make it to the end of the week. Or maybe you’re at work, facing a big deadline and the coworker you struggle to get along with is pushing every button possible. There are so many different scenarios that can land us on our knees, totally exhausted.

About a year ago, when I’d find myself in moments like the ones I just described, I started asking Jesus for His Sacred Heart. I asked him to give me his heart to love those around me, because my little heart was so tired and had nothing left to give. 

But in the back of my head, I wondered if Jesus was disappointed in me for not being able to love well, for having to return to him over and over to ask for help, to ask for his Sacred Heart. Wouldn’t it be more ideal if I could get my stuff together and love others well without having to ask for his help? 

This summer, I’ve been reading through a Walking With Purpose Bible Study (Keeping in Balance) with a few moms from my parish and a line from one of the devotions hit me. It said, “More often than not, the love required of us will exceed what we feel we have…When the demands we feel are greater than our own resources, something beautiful happens. The divine love spills out, and it’s like the fine wine that Jesus saved for last at the wedding at Cana. Instead of giving people our leftovers, we give them what is best—God’s love—released because of our weakness and dependence on Him.” 

When I read that, something clicked for me. I’ve stopped treating the Sacred Heart like a safety net to catch me when I’ve tried and white-knuckled my way through the day and just need help for the last few hours. Instead, I start my day with a morning offering and ask Jesus for His Sacred Heart from the beginning, before I even start into the day. And I know now that he isn’t disappointed with that, but that when I share that I’m weak, it’s then that his power is made perfect in that weakness.”

In today’s episode, I’m revisiting a conversation that I had with Emily Jaminet. We’re talking about why now is the perfect time to revisit a classic Catholic devotion—the Sacred Heart.

You may remember a picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus hanging in your grandparents or parents' home, but what does devotion to the Sacred Heart really mean for our daily lives as Catholic women? Not only are we talking about some amazing promises Christ made to accompany devotion to The Sacred Heart, Emily and I even dive into our favorite depictions of the Sacred Heart and why art is important in your home.

So if you’re feeling like you have nothing left to give, that the demands of your day are taking more resources than you have, sister, this Letter is for you. 

Topics we talked about in this episode:

  • Emily’s grandfather and how he provided images of the Sacred Heart for Mother Teresa

  • Why now is the perfect time to discover a devotion to the Sacred Heart

  • What it means to enthrone the Sacred Heart in your home and in your life

  • Receiving grace from the Sacred Heart and the sacrament of confession

  • How to prepare our hearts to meet Christ in the final moments of life

  • How the feminine genius impacts the way that Emily loves Jesus and his Sacred Heart

Resources you should check out after listening to this episode:

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