This Advent, Come Away and Rest in Christ

I’ve worn busyness like a badge of honor. I’ve bragged about how little sleep I’ve had, how many gallons of coffee I thought I needed for simple survival, and how high on the stress scale I found myself on the regular.

For a season, if someone asked me how I was doing, I proudly responded “Good! Busy but good!” I told myself that I thrived under constant pressure and that doing everything and doing it well was just who I was.

Hesitant to carve out even a little time for holy rest or simple sleep, I kept chugging along until I simply couldn’t chug along any further. Then, like maybe you are all too familiar with, I exploded in a mess of exhaustion and emotion, the shrapnel of well-intended “yesses” and planner pages packed to the brim ricocheting over everything, including the people I love the most.

As a working mom, busyness seems synonymous with everyday life. Between project due dates and nap time schedules, it can sometimes feel like I’m barely treading water — especially during the holiday season, when everything is kicked up a couple of glitter-covered notches.

Read the rest of this reflection over at Catholic Women in Business!

Chloe LangrComment