50 Years Later: How “Humanae Vitae” Predicted the Future


50 years ago this month, Pope Paul VI wrote an encyclical entitled Humanae Vitae, or “Human Life.”

Humane Vitae discussed the beauty of both the spiritual and physical elements of love in marriage. Within the pages of the document, the pope reaffirmed what the Catholic Church teaches about birth control. He also emphasized that the Catholic Church calls couples to marriages that are free, total, faithful and fruitful. The encyclical contained a holistic approach to human relationships. This contrasted sharply with a world that was beginning to accept birth control as part of normal, daily life.

The world didn’t expect Humanae Vitae‘s messages about the sanctity of life, marriage, and family. Pope Paul VI prophetically spoke about the consequences involved with rejecting human dignity. Today, 50 years later, Pope Paul VI’s words still ring true.

Click over to Catholic Singles to read about seven times that Pope Paul VI predicted the future in Humanae Vitae. 

Chloe LangrComment